Port of la Condamine | Mónaco
La Condamine is the main port of Monaco, calledHercules port, the only port of deep waters in theFrench Riviera. The earliest reference of this port dates back to the year 48 BC. Julio César arrived by sea towhat is now La Condamine in Monaco. He concentrated his fleet in the port of Hercules and it wasthere where waited for Pompey.
The port de La Condamine was modified during itshistory. On two occasions during the 20th century wasthe subject of reforms to give greater protection andmore generous, always preserving the flora and faunaof the area. The port of Hercules is characterized byalways tied lots of colourful boats and luxury yachts.Also very typical of La Condamine is the market of themain square, which is open all day and offers a varietyof local and regional products.
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